The first steps in the operation of the ABLV Charitable Foundation “New Riga” programme
February 18, 2015
On 18 February 2015 at Kaļķu Street 12/14 in the Old Town of Riga, a press conference took place, which was organised by the ABLV Charitable Foundation in collaboration with the organisation “Kalku & Sides”, and attended by the Foundation’s Member of the Board Romans Surnačovs, as well as the Deputy Chairman of Riga City Council Andris Ameriks and “Baltic Re Group” Company and Council Representative Giovanni Dalla Zonca.
Under the auspices of the ABLV Charitable Foundation’s newly established “New Riga” programme, a Memorandum of Intent was signed with the “Kalku & Sides” organisation regarding possibilities of collaboration projects aimed at improving the Old Town of Riga’s urban environment.
As we know, one of the ABLV Charitable Foundation’s operating fields is the development of civic society. Operating under the auspices of this field is the “New Riga” programme, within the framework of which, the Foundation attracts funds for the operation of the Latvian Museum of Contemporary Arty and other societies or foundations, whose goals correspond to our programme’s vision, as well as support other projects aimed at regenerating Central Riga. During the 2014 Christmas charitable campaign, more than EUR 1 million was donated in support of the operation of the “New Riga” programme.
The organisation “Kalku & Sides” is a company of legal entities, which was founded with a view to the development of the Old Town or Riga, or more precisely, for its improvement, in order to create a friendlier environment for families with children in the neighbourhood of Kaļķu Street.
“The formation of “Kalku & Sides”, with the participation of Riga City Council, attracting domestic and foreign businesses, and with public involvement in the regeneration of the Old Town of Riga, is not only good news for us as a charitable foundation, but also for the population of Riga. Transforming the Old Town of Riga into a comfortable place where families and children can relax is an attainable goal. The signing of the Memorandum of Intent is the first important step towards to the further improvement of the Old Town. It is planned that, during the next two years, ABLV Charitable Foundation will provide financial support in the amount of EUR 50,000 to one or more projects managed by “Kalku & Sides”, which are aimed at improving the territory of the Old Town. We are confident that in the very near future, the population of Riga will be able to notice the improvements that will be made to the Old Town of Riga’s main thoroughfares, in the neighbourhood of Kaļķu Street,” - asserted ABLV Charitable Foundation Member of the Board Romans Surnačovs in his address.
Photo: Aigars Hibneris.