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"SELF PUBLISH RIGA" program of events

May 7, 2017

From 11 – 14 May the K.K. fon Stricka Villa will be home to “Self Publish Riga”, an extensive exhibition and series of talks on photobooks and self-publishing in photography and visual art. Main supporter – ABLV Charitable Foundation.

“Self Publish Riga” is series of events organised by ISSP as part of the Riga Photomonth.

The “Self Publish Riga” exhibiton is hosting 5 international photobook collections - "Facts and Clarifications" and Latvian photobooks and photobook dummies (curated by Evita Goze, ISSP, LV), books from the Balkans (curated by Marina Paulenka, Organ Vida festival, HR), a collection of books by "Sputnik Photos" (PL) and works by Klara Källström and Thobias Fäldt (B-B-B-Books, SE) - and as well an installation "The Last of The Lucky/ You Can't Always Get What You Want" by Källström and Fäldt.

On May 13, the whole day will be devoted to talks by industry experts on photobooks and their creation. Participants include Swedish artists Klara Källström & Thobias Fäldt, Agnieszka Rayss from Polish collective Sputnik Photos, Donald Weber (Canada), Peter Puklus, Marina Paulenka (Croatia), Tom Mrazauskas (Brave Books, Lithuania/Germany) and Michal Iwanowski (UK).

For the first time, “Self Publish Riga” is offering an educational programme for children and young people including tours and workshops. Throughout the events a large format photo wallpaper with photographs from the book exhibition will be available for younger visitors to interpret with their own drawings.

Full Programme:

11 May - opening, 19.00

13 May – presentations and talks

13.00 Klara Källström & Thobias Fäldt (SE), "Photography as a practice to re-imagine the world"
14.00 Donald Weber (CA), "War Sand"
15.00 Agnieszka Rayss (Sputnik Photos, PL), "Working on photobooks in a collective and individually"

17.00 Peter Puklus (HU), "From the Handbook to the Warrior"
18.00 Marina Paulenka (Organ Vida, HR), "Photobooks from the Balkans: First steps?"
19.00 Tom Mrazauskas (Brave Books, LT/DE) in conversation with photographer Michal Iwanowski (UK), "Clear of People"

12 and 14 May – youth programme

School groups and youth are invited to take part in guided tours and workshops around the “Self Publish Riga” photobook exhibition. The activities will be lead by photographer Nora Vrublevska, accompanied by Swedish artists Klara Källström & Thobias Fäldt, photographer Agnieszka Rayss and Lithuanian book designer Tom Mrazauskas.

12 May 13.00, 14.30, 16.00
14 May 13.00, 15.00

Free admission - please register at nora@issp.lv.

Opening hours:
12 May and 14 May: 12.00 -18.00
13 May: 12:00 - 23:00

Photo: Liza Szabo. Form the series “Guide for Foreigners”

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