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The foundation welcomes a “shadow” to its premises on “Shadow Day”

February 12, 2015

On 11 February, ABLV Charitable Foundation welcomed a “shadow” under the auspices of the “Shadow Day” careers education event.

We were delighted to once again meet Roberts Kesmins and to renew his knowledge of charity and to introduce him to the foundation’s new operating directions.
We asked him to answer some questions about his experiences and the things that have changed in his life since he took part in the “Shadow Day” event organised in 2014.

1. As was the case this year, last year you also chose to shadow our foundation. Why did you make this choice?

Shadowing the charitable foundation, I was able to observe its operation in real life. Remembering the previous year when I left the foundation with a different outlook on life, I decided to repeat the process this year in the hope that I would obtain an even broader perspective, which might provide me with a lot of new insights and ideas for my future plans, because this is my last year at secondary school.

2. In the summer you returned to us, but this time in another status – as an intern, office administrator. What experience and skills did you acquire during this period?

The experience last summer transformed my life by 180 degrees. I acquired knowledge of how foundations work and the work that needs to be done to make important decisions about the allocation of donations and grants. I also got a taste of what it means to go to work every day. I expanded my network of contacts.
Due to this experience, I have become more outgoing, orderly and confident about my abilities and skills.

3. How have you put the experience that you obtained during your internship to use in the process of your studies at school?

Since I did a lot of work using a computer during my internship, then, on top of the knowledge that I’d already acquired previously, I was able to put this knowledge to use in school, which really helps with my study process.
At work, I saw and heard how conversations with clients are conducted and projects are presented. Now this knowledge and experience is helpful to me when it comes to my own presentations and talking to an audience.

4. Have your results improved in any particular subject after your internship and the insights you obtained during it?

Yes, they have improved, especially in culturology, because I learned to understand art better during my internship and also got to know artists. My results also improved in economics, because the foundation helped me to associated theory with practice.

5. Have you become more serious and aware?

Yes, certainly! Both because this is my last year at secondary school and I have a lot of studying to do, and also because I have to plan my day so as to be able to get everything done.
I’ve become more mature and give more thought to my conduct and its possible consequences.

6. Have the time you spent at the foundation and the experience you acquired here influenced your choice of future profession. If so, then exactly how?

After spending time at the foundation, I understood that I would link my future to economics and business. Perhaps, in time, I will even be able to set up my own foundation to help people in a manner similar to that of the ABLV Charitable Foundation.

7. Would you recommend others to take part in Shadow Day? And if so, then why?

Definitely! It’s a great opportunity to check out the real environment of your potential future profession, to get an introduction to its daily work, to find out its pluses and minuses, and thus to understand whether it really is right for you or not.
I’m happy that I chose “to shadow” the ABLV Charitable Foundation, because I have obtained invaluable experience, which it would be much harder to understand were it not for “Shadow Day".

On bidding farewell to him, we wished Roberts every success with his exams and to find his true place in life, and by way of a memory, we presented him with an Arterritory.com printed publication, “Arterritory Conversations” No.3, which was published with the support of ABLV Charitable Foundation’s “Education” field.

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